Greetings from CircleRam - Department Logisitics.
Have you ever wondered, why with all the technologies we have, we are still dependent of filing cabinets and wasting hours filling paper documents, submitting it for signatures, and more often than usual things get lost in the circulation?
CircleRam provides a solution to manage your department business from your screen. You can contact your faculty and staff, prepare and send important documents such as teaching preferences to faculty electronically, collect office hours and course syllabus, and have access to your department forms with few clicks.
How about managing your classrooms and facilities? Department Logistics has a solution for that as well.

It is time to increase your productivity and stop chasing after paper documents. With Department Logisitics, avoid losing documents, and keep electronic trails of all your forms as well as meeting compliance requirements.

Create friendly environment and cut down on your work while saving time and increasing productivity by finding what you looking for a push of a button away.
Want to have a sneak peek? Try our free version (not all features included). For a complete version with all the features described above please follow:
Department Logistics is the way for the future. Visit us at:
Save Time while Improving Productivity. Act Now.