Schedule for classes taught by Faculty is a critical part of Department's database. The planning of a schedule taken several steps and coordination between faculty and department heads - Finding what courses each faculty can teach, scheduling preferences, teaching seniority, room’s availability and so on. All of this work is done by emails, google docs or excel documents. This increases clutter in mailbox and information has to be prioritized manually, making it error prone.
So what can you do instead? Manage this in our online database in Department Logistics. You can manually add schedule section for a given term or add those using bulk import.
Bulk import is a process by which you can use an excel template provided by us and add hundreds of sections that might be scheduled for a given term.
The advantage of setting up the schedule this way is that you can easily share the schedule for students for pre-planning the coursework, check demand for a course as students use their website to plan their course work for subsequent quarter. Faculty can prepare their teaching and office hour schedule to publish on their own site or department website.
This is yet another way Department Logistic improves performance. We are very excited about the offering. And invite you to try it out. To request your own account please visit -