It is the start of the term and you have announced the schedule few weeks before. Students are registered in classes are looking forward to learning. Faculty are ready to start the quarter and need to publish their schedule and office hours. So the natural way of doing this is to open up excel or use a template supplied by the department. Information is collated manually and added to the office doors. Now, students can look up this information.
What about administrator? They need the same information to keep records in division office. Faculty member can make a copy of the excel workbook or the hand created information and send it to the Department or Division Ahead. Why can't this be easier instead of using all these manual processes?
Department Logistics provides a great way for you to do this - Once schedule is uploaded by department head, then each faculty has access to their schedule. They can simply go into an area on website where can add office hours. They get a simple document that they can use to print their schedule and office hours to post in from of their office. Division or department has access to this information on the site. They can also publish this information on department website. Students can check on the department website.
Features like these make Department Logistics a great asset for managing data effectively in a department.
We are thrilled to povide such productivity features and if you would like to try and to request your own account please visit -