Accreditation, Compliance, Law, Regulation, Transparency, Policies, Standards
All these words run through our head when we think about Compliance. Needless to say, these are important artifacts for Governance and running a department effectively.
Focusing of quality and successful implementation of Student Learning Outcomes, Academic Senate at State level has started discussions on the importance of;
1. Collecting Syllabi each term from Faculty as record and keeping those on file for certain number of years.
2. Mention of Student Learning Outcomes on Syllabus as means of communicating SLO’s to students.
3. Implementation of practices in classroom that measure success of SLO’s
4. Tracking if each student has prerequisites for courses and how are those established.
5. Communicating Office hours to student and colleagues.
As the Stakeholder’s requirements emerge departments in Colleges have to be more than prepared to handle this information at its single source of truth. Flexibility in gathering data collaboratively and communicating it faculty, students and administrators is important for student’s success.
Department Logistics application is the *only* front runner in providing ability to manage data in one place and help your department be compliant.
Check out the feature details at:
Want to get your department online? Well, there is a free version available with some selective features.Or a full blown version with all the features.
To request your account click here: