Department data has been on the paper for long time and there is lot of opportunity to bring paper forms online with department database and key actions online. This will reduce the carbon footprint significantly making world more greener. Department Logistics gets you organized by letting staff and faculty access and update their data at anytime from anywhere with click of a button. Department Logistics product increases faculty & staff productivity of daily activities. It allows your staff to update department data in real time from anywhere and sign the documents on the go. Department Logistics automation enables staff to send notifications and reminders requesting to keep your data current.
Department Logistics automation includes following features but not limited to these.
- Faculty and Staff data update
- Maintain classroom and lab details
- Maintain course, section, syllabus and term data
- Update final exam schedule and class schedules
- Electronic document signing for automated workflows and approvals
Department Logistics enables department members and students to view the public information from their mobile devices and access private and restricted information via two-factor authentication.
Suppose your faculty and/or staff has not uploaded the course syllabus or class schedules. No worries. DL Software allows you to send email notification with embedded link to update the information immediately. And updated information is reflected immediately on your screen after you search.
With organized paper forms online and pre-population of the known field information, your department data is more accurate than ever before. It reduces the time to get multiple approvals and never have to worry about losing form.
With so many benefits with bringing department online, can't think of any reason why department head or chair can't click to start using. Published by CircleRAM team and team takes a pride in providing the service at your request.